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Used for

    Market analysisProduct DevelopmentUser researchCustomer Feedback AnalysisBusiness growth strategies


    Real-time feedbackAI-led user interviewsAutomated interview moderationIn-depth interview analysisUser scenario summarizationUser persona identificationPain point detectionInterview report generationOne-place CRM integrationAdaptive questioning techniquesSummarization and analysis of findingsUser scenario analysisIdentification of user pain pointsCreation of user personasConducts hundreds of interviews simultaneouslyInterview reports generationCRM integration (Professional plan)Real-time feedback and adaptive questioning

What is zenAI?

zenAI is an AI-powered tool designed to automate and streamline user interviews, providing insightful and efficient analysis to understand user needs more quickly and accurately.

How does zenAI help with user interviews?

zenAI automates the process of conducting user interviews, moderates them, summarizes findings, and provides deep insights into user scenarios, pain points, and personas.

What features does zenAI offer?

zenAI offers features including AI-led user interviews, automated moderation, summarization and analysis of findings, user scenario analysis, and CRM integration in the Professional plan.

Who can benefit from using zenAI?

Professionals such as UX Researchers, Product Managers, Market Analysts, and Business Strategists can benefit from using zenAI.

What are the pricing plans for zenAI?

zenAI offers a Basic plan at $300/month for 150 interviews and a Professional plan at $500/month for 600 interviews with CRM integration.

Can zenAI conduct multiple interviews simultaneously?

Yes, zenAI can conduct hundreds of interviews simultaneously, saving time and providing comprehensive insights quickly.

What is the primary category for zenAI?

The primary category for zenAI is Digital Distribution Solutions.

How does zenAI improve business growth?

zenAI helps businesses grow by providing a clearer understanding of user needs, accelerating the path to product-market fit.

Is there a free version of zenAI available?

No, zenAI is not available for free. The Basic plan starts at $300 per month.

What do customers say about zenAI?

Customers have found zenAI to be insightful and efficient, providing a depth of understanding in user research and accelerating product-market fit.

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Expify.AI 2024