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Used for

    Project managementCollaborationTask managementNote-takingData integration


    Collaboration ToolsAI integrationTask managementNote-takingMobile AppsCalendar managementProject managementReal-time editingTime BlockingAI AssistanceProject planningDashboardNote takingIntegrations with ServicesIntegration with Notion and ZapierUniversal InboxCustom TypesSmart Planning

What platforms is Routine.co available on?

Routine.co is available on macOS, Windows, iOS, and web.

Does Routine.co support integration with other services?

Yes, Routine.co integrates with popular services such as Notion and Zapier.

What are the main features of Routine.co?

The main features include Time Blocking, AI Assistance, Project Management, Note-Taking, and Task Management.

Is Routine.co suitable for team collaboration?

Yes, Routine.co facilitates team collaboration through real-time editing and workspaces.

Can Routine.co be used for project management?

Yes, Routine.co offers tools for managing complex projects efficiently.

What is the price of the Professional plan for Routine.co?

The Professional plan costs $12 per month and can be canceled anytime.

Does Routine.co offer a free plan?

Yes, there is a free version available ideal for students and hobbyists.

How does Routine.co help with decision-making?

Routine.co helps turn data into meaningful information, aiding in smarter and faster decision-making.

Can information be saved on the go with Routine.co?

Yes, Routine.co allows information to be saved on the go with its mobile apps.

What additional features are included in the Business plan of Routine.co?

The Business plan includes workspaces, custom domain, access control, and 90-day versioning among others.

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