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Used for

    Patent SearchPatent DraftingOffice Action ResponsesPatent CategorizationEvidence of Use Analysis


    User-friendly interfaceAI-powered patent draftingRapid prior art searchAutomated office action responsesEvidence of use analysisInvention managementPatent classificationClaim chart generationEditable flowcharts and diagramsConsistent and detailed patent claims reviewAI-powered patent search with 70-80% match rate compared to human analystsAutomated patent drafting with editable flowcharts and diagramsQuick office action response generationRapid evidence of use identification for market productsIntegration with extensive patent and non-patent literature databasesAdvanced prompt engineering for error-free draftingHigh consistency and thoroughness in response creationReduces patent preparation time to minutes from hoursAccurate claim chart generation for licensing

What is IP Author?

IP Author is an AI-driven platform for streamlining patent creation and management, featuring modules for patent search, drafting, and more.

How does IP Author compare to human analysts in patent searching?

IP Author achieves a 70-80% match rate with prior art identified by human experts, providing high accuracy and efficiency.

Can IP Author assist with patent drafting?

Yes, IP Author can automate patent drafting, including creating editable flowcharts and diagrams, and can deliver a complete draft in just minutes.

How quickly does IP Author generate office action responses?

IP Author generates office action responses quickly, ensuring thoroughness and high consistency compared to manual methods.

What is the benefit of using the Evidence of Use module in IP Author?

The Evidence of Use module rapidly identifies market products that match your patents, aiding in licensing efforts with automatic claim chart generation.

Who can benefit from using IP Author?

Patent attorneys, corporate patent groups, patent law firms, inventors, and IP strategists can greatly benefit from using IP Author.

Is IP Author user-friendly?

Yes, IP Author features a user-friendly interface designed for ease of use by legal professionals.

What databases does IP Author integrate with?

IP Author integrates with extensive patent and non-patent literature databases, enhancing its accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Does IP Author reduce patent preparation time?

Yes, IP Author reduces patent preparation time from hours to mere minutes, increasing efficiency and productivity.

What is the primary category for IP Author?

The primary category for IP Author is Intellectual Property Services.

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Expify.AI 2024