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Used for

    Market analysisContent CreationAcademic ResearchBusiness IntelligenceData analysisReport generationJournalismData Gathering


    Real-time insightsSupport for all LLMsUse any Search EngineResearch Local documentsGenerate Long ReportsExport to any FormatMulti-Agent SupportSupport for multiple LLMsAutonomous Research AgentAccurate Source GatheringFactual ResultsMulti-Agent Framework SupportLLM Integration (OpenAI, Anthropic, Groq, Llama 3, HF)Search Engine Compatibility (Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo)Local Document ResearchLong Report Generation (2K+ words)Multi-Format Export (PDF, Word, Markdown, JSON, CSV)Multi-Agent Framework IntegrationFlexible Search Engine CompatibilityLocal and Hybrid Document SearchLong Report Generation beyond Token LimitsExport to Various Formats (PDF, Word, Markdown, etc.)Real-time Data Gathering and AnalysisOpen Source with Community ContributionsHigh Accuracy and Factual Results

What is GPT Researcher?

GPT Researcher is an AI-powered autonomous research agent designed to gather and organize research information quickly and efficiently.

Who can benefit from using GPT Researcher?

Researchers, data analysts, academics, journalists, and market analysts can greatly benefit from using GPT Researcher.

Can GPT Researcher integrate with any LLM?

Yes, GPT Researcher supports integration with various LLMs including OpenAI, Anthropic, Groq, Llama 3, and HF.

Which search engines are compatible with GPT Researcher?

GPT Researcher is compatible with search engines such as Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo.

Can GPT Researcher conduct research on local documents?

Yes, GPT Researcher can search through local documents and files.

What formats can GPT Researcher export reports to?

GPT Researcher can export research reports to formats like PDF, Word, Markdown, JSON, and CSV.

How does GPT Researcher handle multi-agent frameworks?

GPT Researcher supports multi-agent frameworks, allowing it to collaborate on research tasks.

Is it possible to generate long reports with GPT Researcher?

Yes, GPT Researcher can generate long reports that exceed typical LLM token limits, often reaching 2,000+ words.

Is GPT Researcher available for free?

No, GPT Researcher is a paid solution.

How can I install GPT Researcher?

You can install GPT Researcher using pip with the command: pip install gpt-researcher.

What is GPT Researcher?

GPT Researcher is an AI-powered research tool designed to conduct autonomous research, gather accurate sources, and organize research results efficiently.

Is GPT Researcher open source?

Yes, GPT Researcher is open source and supported by a vast community of contributors worldwide.

Can GPT Researcher work with any search engine?

Yes, GPT Researcher is compatible with various search engines, including Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo, among others.

What formats can GPT Researcher export reports to?

GPT Researcher can export reports to several formats, including PDF, Word, Markdown, JSON, and CSV.

Does GPT Researcher support local document research?

Yes, GPT Researcher supports research through local documents and files, as well as hybrid research using local and web sources.

What professions is GPT Researcher best suited for?

GPT Researcher is ideal for researchers, data analysts, academics, market analysts, and content creators.

Does GPT Researcher support multi-agent frameworks?

Yes, GPT Researcher is built for integration with multi-agent frameworks, enhancing its research capabilities.

How does GPT Researcher handle large reports?

GPT Researcher is designed to break the token limit of LLMs, allowing it to generate reports longer than 2,000 words.

What makes GPT Researcher accurate?

GPT Researcher delivers high accuracy and factual results through real-time data gathering and thorough analysis.

How can I install GPT Researcher?

You can install GPT Researcher via pip using the command 'pip install gpt-researcher.'

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